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Quality control the easy way using the QIAxpert

Visit our dedicated product page to get all the facts and details about this innovative high-speed microfluidic UV/VIS spectrophotometer.

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Interpret your gene-expression results with confidence

Discover the main parameters influencing RNA-based assays, their impact on downstream applications, how to monitor them and the advantages of automation for quality control.

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Effects of low A260/A230 ratios in RNA preparations on downstream applications

In this study, we not only show that the A260/A230 ratio of an RNA sample is strongly reduced when guanidine thiocyanate is present even at submillimolar concentrations, but also that concentrations of guanidine thiocyanate of up to 100 mM in an RNA sample do not compromise the reliability of real-time RT-PCR.

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Smart UV-Vis spectrophotometry for sample quality and quantity

Get true insight into sample quantity and purity with next-generation spectrophotometry. QIAxpert quickly and easily differentiates DNA and RNA and potential contaminants.

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The importance of quality control in the lab

Sample quality control gives you valuable information so you can take preventive or corrective measures early, saving costs and reduce the risk of jeopardizing your results.

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